When/Where is the event?
When & where: ALL dates and locations found under "upcoming events" on home page
kids 12 and under get in FREE!
Can I register the day of the event?
Yes absolutely! Registrations starts at 10:00am
Day of the event-Registration - Regular priced tickets.
May I walk or just hang out?
Yes! Absolutely, DogDash wants to celebrate ALL dogs we will have plenty to do for all in our festival area, treats, toys, games, and booths from local businesses!
Do I need a dog to participate in DogDash?
No! Come and hang out in our festival area where there will be many doggy activities to watch! Celebrate DOGS!
What To Bring
When & where
ALL dates & locations found under "upcoming events" on homepage.
Can I register the day of the event?
Yes absolutely! Tickets will be regular ticket price day of event.
Kids 12 and under FREE!
Do I need a dog to participate in DogDashPopUp?
No! Come and hang out in our festival area! This event is for the local community and everyone that loves DOGS!(Free)
Is there a 3k obstacle course?
NO! This event will be festival only! More vendors, contest, & Activities
event schedule CLICK HERE
Registration Includes
* "+1 person" Ticket Excluded
*Sales prices not included
Registration fees: regular ticket price
3k walk/run + festival $25.00 per dog
DogDash festival only: $20.00 per dog
+1 Human: $5.00
T-shirt Ticket: $30.00
Registration fee includes:
Entrance into festival area and its activities, contests, prizes, 3k course access, puppaccino(each dog), and doggy goodie bag to fill up with toys and treats for your furry friend(s)
* 1 for 1 every ticket sold DogDash will donate a leash/collar to a local animal shelter.
No REFUNDS under any circumstances.
All adults participants must bring photo I.D.
Spectators $10 cash at event. Festival access only.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Event date and location subject to change. Due to weather etc.